How strategic synergies of data products contribute to value enhancement
In today's digital economy, data products play a crucial role in creating added value for companies and their partners. Complementary data products offer a strategic approach to improving the value creation process within a company and in its relationship with customers and suppliers. The advantages of these complementary data products are explained in more detail below.
Why a data governance-oriented data fabric is essential for scalable qualitative Data & AI Products
Modern process approaches, agile working, cloud technologies and AI offer new opportunities
In our data-driven world, qualitative data products are key to business success. But scaling such products efficiently requires a robust data infrastructure. This is where the data fabric comes in. A successively (agilely) built, data governance-oriented data fabric ensures that data quality, protection and use are at the centre of all efforts.
Why data driven decision making and data products are critical for businesses to compete.
In today's business world, the importance of data can no longer be overlooked. Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses and is the foundation for competitive advantage, improved customer experiences and breakthrough innovation. A comprehensive understanding of the importance of a data-driven culture and the value of data products is therefore crucial. A data-driven culture can help make fact-based decisions and increase operational efficiency, while thinking in terms of data products allows companies to effectively monetise their data assets and create sustainable value. Below, I highlight the benefits and characteristics of these aspects in 3 parts.
Datenprodukte: Mehrwert für bestehende Produkte und Dienstleistungen
In der modernen Wirtschaft haben sich Daten zu einem entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil entwickelt. Unternehmen sammeln kontinuierlich riesige Mengen an Informationen, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und ihre Geschäftsstrategien zu optimieren. Doch wie können Unternehmen den größtmöglichen Nutzen aus ihren Daten ziehen? Eine vielversprechende Methode besteht darin, Datenprodukte zur Verbesserung bestehender Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu nutzen, anstatt zu versuchen, allein durch isolierte Datenprodukte Profit zu erzielen. Dieser Ansatz ist besonders vorteilhaft für etablierte Unternehmen, die bereits über eine solide Marktposition und umfangreiche Ressourcen verfügen.