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The Data Economist - Blog (ENG) | Establishing sustainable "Data Inspired & Digital Culture"

The Hub & Spoke Model: A Roadmap to a Data-Inspired Organization

Why the hub & spoke model is a good idea to transform an organization into a data-inspired culture.

In the digital transformation, data management is becoming increasingly important as a prerequisite for the successful use of data analytics and AI. But how does an organization become truly “data inspired”? A promising approach is the Hub & Spoke Model, which helps companies to act in a data-inspired way while gradually developing the maturity of the organization without overwhelming people and organization. In this article, I will discuss how the Hub & Spoke Model can help you become a Data Inspired Company and how it can support you on your way to becoming a cross-functional and agile data-inspired organization.

Data Strategy, Data Literacy, Data Driven Company, Data Mesh, Data Culture, Data Driven, Data & AI Strategy, Hub & Spoke Model, Modern Data Organization


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  • Aufrufe: 128

Why do I rarely talk about AI and a lot about data-driven?

Data as a foundation: Why the success of AI relies on a solid data strategy

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI (GenAI), has gained a lot of attention. The promises of autonomous vehicles, intelligent assistants, and machine learning have sparked a wave of enthusiasm and interest in the business world. However, while AI is often celebrated as the future of technology, there is one crucial aspect that is often overlooked: the data that powers these technologies.

Data Governance, Data Strategy, Artificial Intelligence, Data Driven Culture, Data Driven Company, Data Management, Corporate Strategy


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  • Aufrufe: 52

Be a Data Punk

Be a Data Punk and give your users flowers made of data and they will love you!

Being a data punk means breaking with convention and being creative, unconventional and bold with data. It's about challenging the status quo and seeing data not just as a series of numbers, but as an opportunity to effect real, positive change. In this spirit, what if we were to give our users "flowers"? No, not the physical kind, but metaphorical flowers woven from data.

Data Strategy, Data Driven Culture, Data Driven Company, Data Intelligence, Data Culture, Data Punk, Data Inspired People, Data Inspired Culture


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  • Aufrufe: 307

From titles to actions: Why true digital leadership needs more than just a fancy title

The truth about titles and tasks in the world of data

In the rapidly advancing digital and AI-driven business landscape, companies often face the dilemma of naming and defining roles, especially when it comes to managing and strategising data and its optimal use and monetisation. The debate around the role of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) versus the need for a Chief Data Officer (CDO), Chief AI Officer (CAIO) or even Chief Data & AI Officers (CDAIO) is a shining example of this confusion. But does the solution really lie in creating new titles, or should we focus on sharpening up the roles that already exist?

Data Strategy, Data Culture, Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Chief Data Officer (CDO), Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO), Digital Strategy, AI Strategy, Data & AI Strategy, Chief Data & Artificial Intelligence Officer (CDAIO), Digital Leadership


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  • Aufrufe: 406

Processes and data must go hand in hand

If the data and process basics don't fit, the AI won't be able to make it fit either!

In the age of digitalisation, the merging of data and business processes is not just a possibility, but a necessity for companies that want to survive in a data-driven market environment. Visualising a model that represents this integration - as illustrated in the "Data Culture" diagram (see below) - provides a clear idea of how companies can reshape their strategy and culture to master this new reality.

Business Analytics, Data Strategy, Artificial Intelligence, Data Driven Company, genAI, Data Culture, Data Driven People, Digital Strategy, Decision Intelligence


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  • Aufrufe: 645

The power of data culture

Why data driven decision making and data products are critical for businesses to compete.

In today's business world, the importance of data can no longer be overlooked. Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses and is the foundation for competitive advantage, improved customer experiences and breakthrough innovation. A comprehensive understanding of the importance of a data-driven culture and the value of data products is therefore crucial. A data-driven culture can help make fact-based decisions and increase operational efficiency, while thinking in terms of data products allows companies to effectively monetise their data assets and create sustainable value. Below, I highlight the benefits and characteristics of these aspects in 3 parts.

Data Governance, Data Strategy, Data Driven Company, Data Mesh, Data Fabric, Data Product, Data Driven


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  • Aufrufe: 1320

How to build a data mesh ready platform

Why a data governance-oriented data fabric is essential for scalable qualitative data products

Modern process approaches, agile working, cloud technologies and AI offer new opportunities

In our data-driven world, qualitative data products are key to business success. But scaling such products efficiently requires a robust data infrastructure. This is where the data fabric comes in. A successively (agilely) built, data governance-oriented data fabric ensures that data quality, protection and use are at the centre of all efforts.

Data Strategy, Data Mesh, Data Fabric, Data Product, Data Analytics Platform, Data Business Value Driven, Data Driven


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  • Aufrufe: 949